*Acupuncture as effective energy medicine
Yes. I think that it is very effective medicine because acupuncture can move any stagnant Qi and make smooth Qi so that a patient can have better health. Improving Wei Qi to cope better with disease.
*What conclusions can you draw from Kirlian photography?
I think that Aura or bitfield of person or subject within the photograph can be possible. I never experience with taking aura picture before however I had chance to see my Qi with Qi sensing pen.
*Human intent as it affects health
My intention and action does not always affect health however the most of time it affect. I'm not sure it is good thing or not however it does get affect by quite bit. ...
The any result on any kinds of action will have the effect of neither good or bad result. Whatever their initial intention does not matter sometimes because the outcome can be different. The intention can be the primary source for action whether I'm aware of them or not therefore it can affect health.
Hi Jun. I like what you point out in the Human intent question - "whatever the initial intention does not matter sometime because the outcome can be different." That echos the central teaching of the Bhagavad-Gita that, as humans, we have the right to any action but NOT to the "fruits" of our actions. The only thing under our control is our actions but not the results. We can only do our best with the best intention but results may or may not be to our liking.