Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Sacred Geometry and Fibonacci

Are there connections you can make between Sacred Geometry and Physics?

I believe there are definitely connection between Sacred Geometry and Physics because there are ratio related as well as the theory of quantum mechanics are both there. I believe that symmetry is the most fundamental for physics also.

Can the Fibonacci series be seen as a "signature of life"?

I think so. As I know, I can find many patterns of growth spirals found in our life. There are so many examples that I can think of.. such as almost everything..

1 comment:

  1. I agree, i feel if we look hard enough - we can find the pattern in almost everything. Luckily, there are people who will take the time to break it down and show us how t find it.

    I think some of great art follows the Fibonacci series. And now we can see in Modern art, sometimes the biggest challenge is breaking that pattern in order to see something in a different light, and sometimes even to make something look "grotesque" on purpose.



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